- Under-five mortality rankings. Note that of the worst 10, all are in sub-Saharan Africa except for one (Afghanistan). Indeed 38 of the 39 worst under-5 countries, are sub-Saharan African countries! All of the best countries, except for one (Singapore) are European.
- Worst (Highest rates) 10: Sierra Leone, Angola, Afghanistan, Niger, Liberia, Mali, Chad Equatorial Guinea, DRCongo, Burkina Faso
- Best Worst (Lowest rates) 10: Sweden, Singapore, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Andorra, Spain, Slovenia, Norway, Monaco
2. Nutrition. For Sierra Leone
- Percentage of infants with low birthweight in 2006: 24
- Percentage of under-5's (2000-2006) suffering from: being underweight-30 (8% severe)
3. Health. For Sierra Leone
- Orphans (children aged 0-17) due to all causes, 2005: ~340,000 (31,000 to AIDS)
4. Education. For Sierra Leone.
- Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate 2000-2006: male-60%, female-37%
5. Demographic Info: For Sierra Leone.
- Population (thousands) 2006-- under 18: 2827, under 5: 999
- Life Expectancy: In 1970-35 years, In 2006-42
- Total fertility rate (2006): 6.5
- Percentage of population urbanized (2006): 41
6. Child Protection: For Sierra Leone.
- Percentage of child labor (5-14 years) 1999-2006: Total--48
- Percentage of children living with disability 1999-2006: 23
SoWCR in 20 Questions (and Answers):