Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jonathan House Picasa Albums

Definitely check them out.....they're finally ready to be made public! Yay! There is still work to be done, but it's available for your eyes. :-) There are different albums--several albums with pictures from various teams that have gone over. One from some of the Sierra Leone trips before Jonathan House was created.

If you have anymore pictures you'd like to contribute from a trip of your own or events stateside related to Jonathan House, please send them to and let me know what they are of and I will add them as I can.

If there are any of the pictures currently posted that are mis-labeled or have an incorrect caption, make a comment on it or send an email to that address above.

Picasa has a new feature in which it tags faces. I have tagged many of the kids, but not all. Ideally you will be able to search for a person and all of the pictures that person appears in you will be able to see. For example, let's say you sponsor Adama, you will be able to click on the "Adama" tag and see her smiling face! So when it's all done, it should be a nice feature.

Article: Talking Dirty--The Politics of Clean Water and Sanitation

From the Massachusetts Medical Society (linked by

An interesting article about global health and more specifically clean drinking water.

Click on the title and follow the link. It is a PDF document.

"Second Chance on 3rd"

The Jonathan House Store....newly dubbed "Second Chance on 3rd" celebrated its Grand Opening this weekend. There was no advertising, yet it is reported it was busy enough to make $1700 (in two days). Our pastor who was helping out said that one guy donated his change when he found out what the money was going to. Wow!

The store is located in Marshalltown, IA on the corner of Boone and 3rd Ave. It will be open every Friday and Saturday (except holidays assuming) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. If you are ever in the area on those two days step by and visit. And if you'd like to help out, email Roger at Even if you are unable to stop in on an open day there will be opportunities to serve (ie cleaning, stocking shelves) so consider that too. Also, if you have things to contribute you can also email Roger to arrange a time to drop it off or maybe even have it picked up.

Pictures to come soon....

Big Week for Jonathan House

  1. The store opened this weekend! Without any advertising, $1700 came in. What a blessing! See a later post for more information about the store.
  2. John's adoption was approved this last week and his parents will be leaving next Saturday, Sep. 21 to bring him home! Pray for all of the last-minute "stuff" that Mark & Karen need to finish before leaving. And pray for John's last days at Jonathan House.
  3. Tenneh (adopted) will be having heart surgery on the 18th. Pray for her. I talked to her this morning--she is nervous understandably but I think relieved ultimately that this problem will be taken care of. Pray for all those details that will have to be arranged for the care of her younger two siblings.

Other points:

-If you have any stories, contributions for this blog, please email

-If you have an idea for the next poll, also email above address.

-If you find any relevant articles that you think Jonathan House supporters would find pertinent, also email those links to the address above.


AFP: Sierra Leone will return property taken by former regime

Just a nice sign of the character of the president and aim to rout corruption.

The Sierra Leone government will return all property seized by the country's former military regime to their owners, Information and Communication Minister Ibrahim Ben Kargbo said Wednesday...
Property belonging to businessmen, opposition politicians and ordinary citizens was seized during Valentine Strasser's 1992-96 military rule. Once Parliament approves the plans, all property would be returned, Kargbo said.
Kargbo said the decision was "natural justice" and would honour a promise made by President Ernest Koroma to return all properties to their original owners. "The president feels that this is one of the processes to foster reconciliation" he said.

Click on the title/link to read the entire article.