Saturday, July 19, 2008

Updates (as of July 19th, 2008)

Here are just a few prayer points:
  1. Pray for Christie--she has malaria! She called Karen 3 days ago now. Malaria & some other bacterial infection. She is on a new medicine and antibiotic. Pray for her recovery and her wisdom in decisions about resting and recovering when she would like to be with the kids and helping out. [Karen]
  2. Pray for John's adoption--the family is awaiting word from the U.S. embassy (Dakar) on his visa. Pray for peace for all 8 family members!
  3. Pray for Jerry's adoption, which is in the early stages. Pray for peace for his family also.
  4. Pray for Rachel & Leah who are with their mother. Pray for Rachel's health that God would marvelously provide and answer prayers--and maybe even heal her! Pray for the influence they might have on their family and neighbors in their village.
  5. Pray for Tenneh (adopted, home in Nov. '07) who has a heart problem. Pray for her parents as they make decisions regarding this. She will see a cardiac surgeon soon. Pray for her to be at peace with everything going on around her!
  6. Pray for Roger (international director) who also has malaria. He was recently visiting Sierra Leone for several weeks. He is a full-time nursing student and all-around busy guy. Pray that God would restore his health.
  7. Pray for the school. Over half of the funds have been raised to complete the building. The work on the foundation will begin this month.
  8. Pray that the goats on the farm are quick learners with their new (& operational) solar electric fence. They have been a handful and there have been many options on trial for keeping them from running out into the road. Pray that this one works! The goats are given to foster families of JCC to help them out.
  9. Pray for Pastor Peter and the ministry team in Sierra Leone.
  10. Praise God for each and every supporter of JH!!

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